Mind & Body

The Secret to Breakthroughs & Better Sex

February 28, 2023

My libido was through the roof. I wasn’t just sexually turned on, I was creatively turned on.

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It's not just about how much we can buy or how we much we make. It's about peace of mind , good health and exploring in every way.

Ashley feeling inspired, creative and relaxed after aromatherapy.

Lately the Universe has been bringing my attention to my Sacral Chakra. Everything from the sensations below my belly button to the creative blocks and people in my Insta DMs telling me about my Sacral and wanting me to send a picture of my right palm.

I’m not sure if there’s any truth to what these “priestesses” say, but the sensations and blocks were enough for me to pay attention. I was so frustrated by my creative burnout that I knew I needed to do a deep dive into my Sacral Chakra, home of sexual and creative energy.

Lots of energy work took place, lots of distortions from my childhood about sexual energy were uncovered and shifted. And that in itself freed up lots of creative energy for me. I still felt that I needed more balance in that center so I concocted a mixture of essential oils associated with the Sacral Chakra to help bring me more balance and activate even more creative and sexual energy within me.

I applied the oils daily to my Sacral chakra for 10 days.

On day one, I felt more relaxed and relieved from the anxiety that came from my lack of ideas. The next day I felt more at ease. By day three I felt very connected to myself. My libido was through the roof. I wasn’t just sexually turned on, I was creatively turned on. I was finding the inspiration I needed to keep creating.

By the 10th day, ideas were flowing to me effortlessly and I was more open and willing to explore creatively. I felt and still feel more balanced and relaxed. Essential oils are so powerful for restoring our calm and giving us exactly what we need.

Here’s how to know if your Sacral Chakra is imbalanced:

  • experiencing creative blocks
  • feeling anxious or depressed
  • fear of losing control in a relationship
  • lack of pleasure or fear of it
  • physical sensations or pain in your lower abdomen
  • feeling detached or disconnected
  • sexual issues or fertility issues
  • low energy
  • low libido
  • not being able to express your desires or emotions

Here’s a list of essential oils that’ll help you relax, restore balance, have your next breakthrough and better sex:

  • clary sage
  • rose
  • sweet orange
  • patchouli
  • ylang ylang
  • bergamot

P.S. Be sure to use a carrier oil like grapeseed oil or almond oil when applying them to the skin.


Ashley Christen

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