On-Demand Support for Peace and Clarity

On-Demand Support for Peace and Clarity

Align your energy with peace, purpose, health and freedom. Turn challenges into opportunities that help you live a fulfilling life.




Release stress and welcome inner peace

Overcome your fear of making the "wrong" decision

Find the answers you've been looking for

Attract relationships and opportunities aligned with joy and freedom

Recharge mentally, emotionally and physically

Build a healthier mind and body

Relieve Stress and Align With Peace and Freedom:


Increase your creative energy 

How It Works

For your 1-on-1 session.


You'll receive it by email within 24 hours of booking.

sign a contract

In a private meeting in Zoom for 60 minutes. 


"I can't tell you how much Ashley has helped me and allowed me to recapture perspective and clarity."


has healthier relationships:


'I was going through one of the worst times in my life. Ashley helped me clear the negative energy and reach for complete freedom."


has a new 6 figure business:


" I've become much more confident and clear on my purpose. I've created my own path and healed so many layers of my past."


Lives his purpose:


"It shifted my perspective on realizing my value.
I'm no longer limiting myself in thought and creation. I have a new job and apartment because of this."


has her dream career:


" My monthly revenue has doubled without being as active and I'm achieving my goals faster. I'm getting to the point where I can create on demand."


Makes more money, doing less:

real results

"To be your healthiest  and best self, you must be at peace. "

— Ashley Christen

"It’s an opportunity to make sense of your life and your belief systems and use those things happening around you to help you purposely create the things you want."

— Tristian

"It's an opportunity to make sense of your life..."


"It's unbelievable how much my life has changed now that I can see it from a different perspective."

"It's unbelievable how much my life has changed..."



"Ashley is very intuitive. She led me to a path where I was able to identify my blocks and remove them."

"" I was able to identify my blocks and remove them."


This      for you if:

You need clarity to move forward

You're looking for a quick fix or someone to rescue you.

You're overwhelmed and looking for peace and calm

You're a know-it-all.

you want support in getting to the next level

You're new to energy work and want to try coaching or you're an existing client looking for additional support

It's        for you if...

You're defensive and dishonest. 




It's probably
for you if...

Is this like therapy? What if I'm already in therapy?

It's similar, but not the same. In therapy you unpack your past to shift your current perspectives. We'll do this and shift the energy of your past to align with what you want in your current reality and future. Many clients find this to be a great addition to their regular therapy sessions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you guarantee results?

How much does it cost?

I'm a certified Life Coach , Energetic Breakthrough Practitioner and have a B.S. in Science Communication. I've been in your shoes... so I have first-hand experience with aligning energy, spiritual awakenings, creating and manifesting.  And I've been helping others do the same for nearly 4 years.

What about privacy?

What happens between us, stays between us. Your privacy is important to me and will never be compromised. We have a privacy contract to make it official. The only exclusion is if you're at risk of putting yourself or others in danger. 

What qualifications do you have?

Results are unique to each person. I can guarantee that I will commit 100% to doing my part and it is up to you to commit 100% to doing yours. When you do, your life will change and results will happen. 

What's it like to work with you?

It's a laid back and casual experience. I'm free in the language I use and may cuss from time to time out of excitement. And if you want to do the same... go for it. I'll never use language to attack you. I'll tell you what you need to hear to get results. I'll never tell you what to do, but will give you what you need to make your own decisions. There's no judgment here. Only love and compassion.  

How do I prepare for a session?

Click the rescheduling link in your appointment confirmation email up to 24 hrs. before our meeting. For On- Demand, rescheduled or canceled sessions with less than 24 hours notice will be charged $50. No refunds for no-shows. 

What if I can't can't make a session?  

Make sure you're in a quiet place where you can speak freely. Noteworthy stuff is being said so have something to jot it down. If we meet virtually, lookout for the link to our meeting in your email.

Prices vary by experience. Experiences start at $275 USD. 

Do I have to take the 6 week program first?

It's not a requirement, but it's recommended if you have little to no experience with energy work. The Partnership is for those that have done basic energy work on their journey or have experienced therapy.

What's your refund policy?

There are no refunds for services rendered, digital products purchased or programs purchased; as this affects the level of commitment you make and defeats the purpose of the commitment and the coaching relationship.

How many sessions do I get?

There are 6 sessions in the 6 week program and The Partnership is tailored to your specific needs.

Is this a substitute for medical care?

While the effects of this work can be healing, I'm not a psychiatrist or any type of doctor. This is not a substitute for medical care. If you need medical attention I encourage you seek help from a medical professional.

Is this a religious thing?

No. This is science and spirituality. You're welcome to have whatever religious beliefs you want. Understand that when I refer to a  higher source of power, I will call it the Universe and won't link it to a specific religion. If you would like a better understanding of the difference between spirituality and religion you can find it on my blog, here

$275 USD

Book now


let's talk

I got answers. Schedule a time to talk with me directly. By the end of our call you'll know for sure if this is right for you or not.

Still got questions?