Mind & Body

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

September 30, 2022

Did you know you have the power to take control of your life so that it doesn’t feel like a constant uphill battle? Here’s how.

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It's not just about how much we can buy or how we much we make. It's about peace of mind , good health and exploring in every way.

Did you know you have the power to take control of your life so that it doesn’t feel like a constant uphill battle?

It all starts with understanding the power that controls your every day life… your subconscious mind. It controls 95% of your life experiences and the choices you make. These are the everyday “no-brainer” decisions. It’s basically a reflex response.

The decisions you make and actions you take stem from the beliefs that you hold on this level of mind. They were programmed in your subconscious during the first 6 years of your life. That’s right! All the lies you were told as a kid… are now your truths and they’re potentially ruining your life. 

I know what you’re thinking… you have freewill and can make any decision you want…thanks to your conscious mind, right?

Well, yes and no. 

While you can choose what you believe, your subconscious mind is more than a million times more powerful than your conscious mind. Which means if there’s a war between the two, the belief in the subconscious mind will always win.

Turning your dreams into a reality start with you first becoming aware of your subconscious beliefs. These aren’t obvious but if you take a step back and look at the parts of your life you’re not happy with  you can find a pattern of behaviors and thoughts you associate with unhappy situations. Then you can find the deep rooted belief that’s causing it.

Once you’ve identified the subconscious belief, it’s time to align it with what you actually want. Simply saying what you want over and over isn’t going to work  You can start the reprogramming process through deep journaling or through meditation.

It’s important to know that your subconscious mind is most receptive to information when you’re sleeping or in a deep trance like state. A great way to take advantage of this is to listen to a meditation with your newly formed beliefs while you sleep, right before bed or the first thing when you wake up in the morning. 

You can either do the work while you dream or dream of things that’ll never work.

Here’s a free guide to help you become aware of your subconscious beliefs and shift them to align with what you actually want in life: https://ashchristen.com/freebie

Here are books that helped me learn more about how our subconscious mind works:

The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murray get it here

The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton get it here

Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza get it here

*Full disclosure: I get a small commission if you purchase using one of my links (at no additional cost to you).


Ashley Christen

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