
Do This to Get Rid of Anxiety

April 15, 2022

Who could you be without anxiety?

How to move past self-doubt
do this to get rid of anxiety
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It's not just about how much we can buy or how we much we make. It's about peace of mind , good health and exploring in every way.

You’re already badass. Who could you be without anxiety? An even more badass version of you!

Don’t let this fear of the future get you stuck in your head to the point you start overthinking and over complicating things.

I get it. Anxiety can feel crippling when it stops us from doing things we actually want to do.

Let’s get rid of your anxiety so you can start living the life you’re meant to live.

One of the best ways to get rid of anxiety is to ground your energy.

What does this mean? Connecting to the earth to realign your electrical energy.

Here are 3 ways to ground your energy and get rid of your anxiety. If your anxiety is super bad, you’ll want to make these practices new habits.


Sit on the floor or a yoga mat and connect yourself to the Earth. Close your eyes with the intention to ground yourself. Focus on the base of your spine and slowly move your focus up and out of the crown of your head. Connect to the Universal energy of love. Sit and enjoy this moment. When you’re ready bring your attention back to the base of your spine, grounding yourself once more. And slowly open your eyes.

I love sitting on a thick yoga mat for some extra cushion and comfort. Here’s a good one that comes in some fun colors.

Magnesium baths

This is a fancy way of saying take an Epson Salt bath…. although that doesn’t have to be the brand you use. Magnesium helps relax your muscles and is an essential mineral for your body. It’ll help supercharge you and decrease inflammation.

Set the mood with some candles and soak for a minimum of 20 minutes.

I love this Dr. Teals Epsom Salt or you can pick up your favorite brand from your local grocery store.

Essential oils

Whether you get regular massages, self massage or lay in bed on your stomach telling your partner how sore your body is from your workout hoping they’ll get the hint… blending essential oils with your massage oil will provide some much needed relief. Not only do they help soothe pain, but they are naturally calming and relaxing.

Lavender, geranium and frankincense are great for grounding your energy and calming your nerves. I love to mix in grapeseed oil and use it as a moisturizer when I’m not asking my husband to rub me down.

You can purchase a full set of oils here

*Full disclosure: I receive a small commission when you make a purchase through one of my links.


Ashley Christen

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