Mind & Body

How to get anything you want

December 31, 2022

Getting anything you want starts with matching the energy of what you want.

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The Energy Coach that helps you love the energy in your life. Live purposefully and take your health, power, pleasure and success to the next level.


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It's not just about how much we can buy or how we much we make. It's about peace of mind , good health and exploring in every way.

Getting anything you want starts with matching the energy of what you want. It doesn’t matter if it’s a relationship, a sportscar, a healthy body or an amazing opportunity. It’s all energy!!!

So what do I mean when I say “match the energy of what you want?”

The energy you carry, meaning the thoughts you think and the emotions you feel, are a point of attraction for every experience and interaction you have in your life. It’s not random and things aren’t happening TO YOU. You are literally in control. You control your energy or vibration by focusing your thoughts and emotions on things that are aligned with the way you want to feel.

I’m not talking about ignoring the challenges and embracing “toxic positivity.” When difficult things come up, you have a choice. You can react to it. Or you can respond to it.

So what’s the difference? Reacting is unconscious. It’s a reflexive behavior. Responding requires awareness. When you respond, you process what just happened and you’re able to think about what it means and are able to take actions that are aligned with the energy you want.

When you choose to respond, you’re able to see things that you can’t see when you’re in a blind- reaction state. Responding allows you to control your energy. Whereas reacting, allows other people to control your energy.

When you respond as the person that already has that “thing” that you want… you draw it closer into your life because you’re matching the energy of the version of you that already has it:.

What energy do you want in 2023?


Ashley Christen

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Four years ago, I was so depressed that I could barely get out of bed.

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