
What You Didn’t Know About Sexual Energy

November 30, 2022

Ever watched porn, got the release you needed then felt bad after you were done?

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You ever watched porn, got the release you needed then felt bad after you were done getting off?

I think we’ve all been there. Here’s the thing…like most things, sex isn’t a black and white thing. As long as it involves you and a consenting adult(s) there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

We all have our sexual fantasies and desires. When we learn to embrace them, we open ourselves up to becoming our most powerful self. Being authentically you is what makes you a powerful creator. We can’t hide or ignore the sexual part of us or any part of us for that matter. It’s a part of who we are! To live the life you deserve (a life of miracles and magic) you must be willing to acknowledge your sexual desires and express them. To express yourself sexually is to express your Soul Self.

If your childhood was anything like mine… especially as a woman, you were taught to suppress your sexual desires, to “act like a lady”… (whatever society defines that as), and to avoid being labeled as a freak, slut or hoe. But who are we if we allow society to define what is sexually appropriate and what isn’t? Certainly not who were put on this Earth to be…beings that live a free and joyful life.

The moment you allow others to control how you feel about your sexuality and sex life, is the moment you allow them to control your creative power. Your sexual energy is your creative energy. It literally creates the most powerful thing in the world… human beings. But it’s not limited to the creation of life… it also creates masterpieces, miracles and millions.

Here’s three questions you can ask yourself to turn your sexual energy into an unstoppable creative force:

  • What limiting beliefs were I taught as a child about sex?
  • How have they impacted my life today?
  • How can I open myself up to everything my sexual energy has to offer me?


Ashley Christen

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